Our Staff
Classroom Teachers
Name *Icon = Webpage Link |
Subject Area | |
Mr. T. Avila | Metal, Automotive, CNC, Electronics | tavila@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. H. Bassett | Cougar Crossing | hbassett@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. A. Beyser | Science, Math | abeyser@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. P. Beyser | Math, Web Tech | pbeyser@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. Z. Cavasin | Drama, Humanities, History | zcavasin@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. C. Creamer | Science, Math | ccreamer@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. M. Goerzen | Physics, Science, Engineer | mgoerzen@sd46.bc.ca |
Mrs. L. Healy | Foods, Career Life Education | lhealy@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. M. Healy | Math, Science, Environmental | mhealy@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. S. Karagianis | Music | skaragianis@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. T. Kirshenbaum | French | tkirshenbaum@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. A. L'Heureux | Cougar Learning Centre/Marvel Program | al'heureux@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. T. MacHattie | Chemistry, Math, Science | tmachattie@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. G. MacPherson | Philosophy, Psychology, Russian | gmacpherson@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. S. Mani | Math, PE, Leadership, Yearbook | smani@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. C. Marsella | Inclusion Support Teacher/CLC | cmarsella@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. McLeod | Math, Science, Career Ed and Work Experience | mmcleod@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. G. Osborne | English, Humanities | gosborne@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. H. Passmore | French, Humanities | hpassmore@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. S. Prasad | English New Media, English Literary Studies, Env. Leaders | sprasad@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. E. Ross | Socials, English, PE | eross@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Sanders | English, Socials, Humanities | msanders@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. O. Schutz | PE, AL Foods, Athletic Director | oschutz@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. E. Sheridan | English, Socials, TV Production | esheridan@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. C. Sieben | Foods, Textiles | csieben@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. M. Sopow | Science, Anatomy & Physiology, Life Sciences | msopow@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. S. Telfer | English, Humanities, Ukulele | stelfer@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. H. Unwin | French, Spanish | hunwin@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. S. Van Nuys | English and Socials, 2D Art, Humanities | svannuys@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Walls | Woodwork | jwalls@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Yamamura | Math, Career Life Connections, Calculus | jyamamura@sd46.bc.ca |
Support Teachers
Name *Icon = Webpage Link |
Role | |
M. Bell | Student Counselor for surnames M-Z | mbell@sd46.bc.ca |
S. Bruce | Student Counselor for surnames A-L | sbruce@sd46.bc.ca |
K. Wagner | Inclusion Support Teacher | kwagner@sd46.bc.ca |
L. Clarke | Teacher-Librarian | lclarke@sd46.bc.ca |
T. Saigeon | Indigenous Support | tsaigeon@sd46.bc.ca |
D. Wood | English Language Learner Support | dwood@sd46.bc.ca |
Support Staff
Name | Role |
A. Butler | Education Assistant |
K. Campbell | Education Assistant |
B. Cullen | Education Assistant |
A. Davies | Education Assistant |
R. Fordeczka | Education Assistant |
B. Huesdon | Education Assistant |
A. Morrissey | Education Assistant |
S. Scarr | Education Assistant |
M. Stracker | Education Assistant |
P. Fauchon | Lab Assistant, Homework Club |
K. Hookham | Chef VCC - Pro Cook Program |
K. Seymour | Chef |
T. Bond | Custodian |
M. Hunter | Custodian |
K. Ouellette | Custodian |
S. Stahl | Custodian |
Office Staff
Name | Role | |
J. Brisebois | Principal | jbrisebois@sd46.bc.ca |
H. Watt | Vice Principal | hwatt@sd46.bc.ca |
M. Marshall | Administrative Assistant | mmarshall@sd46.bc.ca |
C. Procknow | Office Assistant #1 (Monday - Wednesday) | cprocknow@sd46.bc.ca |
M. McMullen | Office Assistant #1 (Thursdays and Fridays) | mmcmullen@sd46.bc.ca |
N. McLean | Office Assistant #2 | nmclean@sd46.bc.ca |
T. Bruce | Special Education Clerical Assistant (Tuesday - Thursday) | tbruce@sd46.bc.ca |